Monday, October 28, 2013

One Place, Three Ways (Part I)

Oh gosh, I have no inspiration-ideas-whatnot! Every photo I take is sooooo boring. Yup, I totally go there ever so often. And that's fine. However, I have been training myself to take my camera out shoot anyway, because I will probably totally get some nice shots and if not then at least I have practiced. Inspiration is overrated (I don't really believe in that, maybe just a little). However, action might inspire and spark an idea. 

About a week ago I visited this awesome greenhouse with my friends. And I took a bunch of photos and because I think greenhouses with free public access are awesome I want to share some of them starting with the general overview of the greenhouse.

Okay, I totally come off as someone who follows elderly men in gardens... See, a photo can tell more than a thousand words. But a photo can also lie, because it is not my fault when people wander into the frame. Or read a newspaper in a cool space.

And to give you a hint what is coming this week - yes, I will get up, close and personal with the wildlife!

I mean - really close!

Stay tuned for more!



  1. Haha, yes it is a pain when someone wanders into your shot. Or a car pulls up and blocks what you were trying to take. The other day on the street people must have wondered what the heck I was doing just loitering in the middle of the sidewalk for no apparent reason. Well, I was waiting for the streetlight to change so the car that was blocking my picture moved. And then when I got home and looked at the shots it turned out to be a bad shot anyway. So yes, one has to practice and at least try!

    That looks like a really nice greenhouse. It's huge!

    1. Cars are the worst! People can at least fit the scene, but cars almost never do. Unless you're at a vintage car show. :D
